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Westcliff SVP

a volunteer group in Westcliff-on-sea, Essex

of the St Vincent de Paul Society (England & Wales)

Reg Charity: 1053992


About Us

Inspired by the work already being done by the SVP in the area, Our Lady and St Helen St Vincent de Paul (SVP) Westcliff was established in 2000 by Jim Harforth. In 2010 Daniel Cauchi has continued the great work of Jim to build community by Turning Concern into Action. The SVP volunteer group in Westcliff is serving local people in the area and we work with other local SVPs in the surrounding boroughs such as Southend, Leigh-on-sea, Southchurch, Rochford, Rayleigh and Shoeburyness. Although local, the SVP Westcliff group is a part of the National St Vincent de Paul Society (England and Wales ) and the charity can also be found internationally.


We have a strong presence in the Westcliff area and our SVP group has been involved in supporting homeless people through the Winter Night Shelter and many vulnerable people within our community who need a hand with bills, food parcels, necessities, emotional/spiritual support and other services found on this website.


Ever since 1833 the St Vincent de Paul Society has dedicated itself to tackling poverty, disadvantage and social isolation by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need; our work and call-to serve is no different today though times have changed rapidly. Over the years, we have become one of the most trusted and effective charitable foundations, working hard to improve the lives of those in need. 


Home: About

How weย help during the Covid-19 crisis

Ever since 1833, the SVP has been dedicated to tackling poverty, disadvantage and social isolation by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. Today, with new challenges facing us during the coronavirus outbreak we are here to help our community.

Befriending Group

Throughout the area, our volunteer members work in varied ways to give people a sense of belonging.  As well as offering friendship and support, our members give practical help such as food, clothes, furniture or financial help when this is needed. 


Knock and Drop

 'Knock and Drop' service delivering emergency food parcels and medicine to isolated or housebound people,

 We cover Southend, Southchurch, Westcliff, Chalkwell, Leigh-on-Sea areas.

Please phone Our support line on 07549127592 if you are in need or know of someone in need.


Bake Off Team

The SVP charity continue to Build Community. We are currently providing cakes for the Kindness Kitchens, NHS and for people that drop into the centre and need support.  JOin our team today

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Home: Our Causes

Homeless Support

We support the homeless of our community by providing temporary accommodation when commissioned services need support, provide hot meals 5 days a week, provide clothes, provide a starter pack for people moving into permanent accommodation, inreach support and counselling or befriending.

Mini Vinnies 7 โ€“ 11yrs

Lead Coordinator: Elizabeth Cauchi

Attend Strawberry Tea event and New Year's Party for the elderly. Help to set up St Helen’s SVP Winter Night Shelter for the Homeless. 


Current Fundraiser: Camp in your back garden.

Current Focus for the community:  Covid-19

Youth SVP 11 -14yrs

Lead Coordinator: Laura Sach
Activities involved in 2019/2020
Attend Strawberry Tea event and New Years Party for the elderly.
Help to set up St Helen’s SVP Winter Night Shelter for the Homeless. 
Current Focus for the community:  Covid-19

SVP B- Attitude 14 -18yrs

Lead Coordinator: Kevil Bardman. Activities involved in 2019/2020.  Attend Strawberry Tea event and New Years Party for the elderly and helping to set up St Helen’s SVP Winter Night Shelter for the Homeless. Current Fundraiser: Current Focus for the community:  Covid-19


Kenny's Well Being Walk

Kenny BBC Devon short
00:00 / 01:28

Buy something from our Wishlist from the following. 

Click on the wish list that you can help with.  Thanks

Gift aid form - Please click the PDF on the left to download.  When setting up a Standing order please put St Vincent's Southend in the reference section.

St Vincent's Centre, Southend Community Support Hub 

St Vincent's is a com munity centre that supports vulnerable people in our community.  We offer a Foodbank, Hot Meals, In and Out Reach support, household items and clothing. We also sign post a range of local organisations that support vulnerable people within our community.  Please, if you are in need please respond as we will find a way forward for your current circumstance.


Unit 9, Victoria Business Park, Short St SS2 5BY 


01702 592980

             Shop while supporting those in need.




If you are in need of food bags, utilities support or any other support please call the support line  01702 592980

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St Vincent's Southend
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Contact Us

27 Milton Rd, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 7JP, UK


Home: Contact

Become a Member

Complete this form to join our Friendly Team at St Vincent's Southend - Short St.  We will contact you within 3 working days to confirm your interests.

Which service(s) would you like to support?

How Can We Help You?

Complete this form to request support.  We will aim to respond ASAP or within 24hrs. Phone 01702592980

Which service(s) do you need?


YOUR HELP- Join today


©2020 by Westcliff SVP 

Our Lady and St Helen's Church - 27 Milton Rd Westcliff SS07JP

St Vincent de Paul Society (England and Wales).

Charity number 1053992

Romero House 55 Westminster Bridge Rd South Bank London SE1 7JB

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